African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia, PA



African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia, PA

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African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia, PA


The African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas was an outgrowth of the African Church of Philadelphia founded in 1792 by the Free African Society, a mutual aid organization, established in 1787 by Absalom Jones and Richard Allen for the purpose of encouraging religion, literacy, and providing destitute members – especially widows and orphans – with financial assistance. Absalom Jones led the congregation and became the first African American admitted to Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church when Bishop William White ordained him a deacon in 1796 and a priest in 1802. Richard Allen formed Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church which became a separate Methodist denomination. Records consist of vestry minutes, pew rents, birth and baptismal records as well as some records of the Free African Society.

Selected Items from the Collection

Absalom Jones was the founder of of St. Thomas. This bound manuscript is a register of births and baptisms performed by Jones from 1796 to 1830. Each record includes the child's date of birth, child's and parents' names, and date of baptism. The…

St. Thomas' earliest precursor organization, the Free African Society was formed by Richard Allen, Absalom Jones and others in 1787, with the goal of building community among black Philadelphians.

This bound manuscript is a record of people who…

The practice of renting pews was common in 19th century churches; members paid a fee for the right to occupy a particular pew every week. This bound manuscript is a record of pew rents paid to St. Thomas from 1818 to 1840. Each listing includes the…

The practice of renting pews was common in 19th century churches; members paid a fee for the right to occupy a particular pew every week. This bound manuscript is a record of pew rents paid to St. Thomas from 1863 to 1876. Each listing includes the…

This bound manuscript is an accounting of St. Thomas’ finances between 1790 and 1842.

The prominent African American abolitionist and clergyman Absalom Jones is listed throughout text, as are prominent Philadelphia businessmen and donors such as…

The vestry is the governing body of an Episcopal church; it is comprised of the rector and members of the congregation elected by other congregants.

This bound volume contains the St. Thomas vestry meeting minutes from 1813 to 1821, including date,…

The vestry is the governing body of an Episcopal church; it is comprised of the rector and members of the congregation elected by other congregants.

This bound volume contains the St. Thomas vestry meeting minutes from 1821 to 1831, including…

The vestry is the governing body of an Episcopal church; it is comprised of the rector and members of the congregation elected by other congregants.

This bound volume contains the St. Thomas vestry meeting minutes from 1848 to 1855, including date,…

The vestry is the governing body of an Episcopal church; it is comprised of the rector and members of the congregation elected by other congregants.

This bound volume contains the St. Thomas vestry meeting minutes from 1863 to 1876, including date,…
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