Symposium: “Digitizing the Records of Philadelphia’s Historic Congregations”

Christ Church organized a symposium to conclude the CLIR funded portion of this project. It was held on November 16, 2022 at the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, and we are pleased to offer the following recordings of the speakers, for those who could not attend.

1:30pm: Welcome, Overview of Project and Website

1:45PM: Paul Peucker, The Yellow Fever Pandemic of 1793 and the Moravians

2:15PM: Brandon Zimmerman, Resurrect Dead: Mount Vernon Cemetery and the Burial Ground of the Second Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia

3:00PM: Mike Krasulski, St. Paul’s and its Contributions to the Growth of Religion in Philadelphia

3:30PM: Kathryn Pyle, A Congregation’s Response to Its Racial History

4:15PM: Hidden stories from Transcribers:

Jean Craig, Pew Rent records and Social History

Elizabeth Mosier, Accidental Findings: Ephemera as Literary Inspiration

Josie Smith, Discovering Genealogies in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Manumissions Records, 1772-1790

6:00PM: Keynote address: Julie Winch, Between the Lines and Across the Lines

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